Support our work with a donation

Like all charities, we rely on your generous donations to enable us to continue our important work supporting the PWS community, whether this is through our dedicated helpline, community events, training or fundraising activities. Please choose a donation amount below, or you can choose your own amount, then click on the basket symbol which will appear in the bottom right of the page to check out.

Gift Aid

Don't forget to tick the Gift Aid box if you're a UK taxpayer - this will boost your donations by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate! You can complete a Gift Aid form here. You only need to do this once - when we have your completed form, we can claim Gift Aid on all donations you make going forward.


Choose your own amount to donate by clicking the button below.

Other amount

Want to set up a regular donation?

Simply set up a monthly standing order for the amount you'd like to donate using the following bank details:

Name:             PWSA UK

Sort code:      40-19-15

Account no:  32502712

IMPORTANT: Please include your name as a reference so that we know who donations are from!

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